Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling)

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Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling)

Medical Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality used to treat musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints. It is a westernised adaptation of traditional Chinese medicine which encourages pain relief and promotes healing. It is used to relieve myofascial trigger points, increase range of motion, decrease muscular tightness, reduce pain and aid with recovery from injury.

Dry Needling (DN) vs Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCA)

What is the difference?

Dry Needling also known as Medical Acupuncture is a westernised adaptation to TCA and is used to treat pain and dysfunction associated with the body’s soft tissues – muscles, tendons and ligaments. Is it used to deactivate trigger points which cause pain, and stimulates a healing response to promote recovery from trauma or injury. In the UK Medical Acupuncture or DN is practised by Healthcare Professionals and is generally regarded as part of conventional medicine, which is very much evidenced based.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCA) is predominantly used to treat pathological conditions (diseases) which can affect single organs or the body as a whole. TCA is linked to the belief that disease is caused by disruption or blockages to the flow of energy (meridians) known as ‘qi’ in the body and places emphasis on ancient beliefs of ‘yin’ ‘yang’. Chinese Acupuncture stimulates points on or under the skin and is believed to release the blocked energy so that normal function can be restored. It is a well-practised treatment modality used world-wide which has been around for thousands of years, approved and loved by many.

It involves the insertion of one or several very fine stainless-steel needles (0.25mm) into muscles, tendons or ligaments using “dry needles” which pierce through the skin. The needles are placed into trigger points causing a “twitch response” which essentially relaxes the muscles and resets the neuromuscular (nerve and muscle) systems, resulting in pain and tension reduction, whilst stimulating a healing response. During this process fresh blood supply carrying oxygen, nutrients and hormones are released which flood the affected area to help speed up the healing process and flush away any unwanted toxins to further aids with recovery.

  • It is very safe, and serious or harmful side effects are extremely uncommon.
  • Only sterile, single-use, disposable needles are used.
  • The area of insertion is cleaned before treatment using antibacterial disinfectant and gloves are worn when treatment takes place.
  • In the event of bleeding, antibacterial disinfectant will be used to clean the area and a cotton pad / plaster will be applied.
  • Licensing from the local authority has been granted to carry out this treatment.
  • You should be aware of the possibility of incurring a pneumothorax (punctured lung) when inserting needles into the mid/upper back, but please note this is again incredibly rare and your practitioner is fully trained and experienced in the delivery of treatment.

The needles are very fine (0.25mm) so the sensation felt is very mild and more of a discomfort – it is not like having an injection or blood test. The sensation varies from person to person, some feel a slight sharpness, others feel a sensation similar to a flick and some may feel nothing at all. You may feel a “twitch” in the muscle as the needles are inserted, this is a good sign and means that the needles are in the correct position. Once the needles have been inserted most sensations tend to subside.

As with all manual therapy treatments there are some side effects, you should be aware of the following:

  • Drowsiness can occur in a small number of patients. You are advised not to drive if you feel tired.
  • Euphoria can occur in a small number of patients. You are advised not to drive or make any important business / financial decisions if you experience this sensation.
  • Minor bleeding or bruising can occur around the area of insertion.
  • Discomfort is common but pain is not. You should make your practitioner aware if you feel any overwhelming pain.
  • Existing conditions will likely get worse before improving as with other manual therapy treatments. You should inform your practitioner if your condition worsens after a few days following treatment.
  • Fainting is not unheard of particularly after the first treatment.
  • If there are any specific risks or side effects that apply to your complaint, then your practitioner will discuss this with you prior to treatment commencing.

A full medical history will be taken prior to treatment commencing and you will have been asked to fill out an initial consent form detailing any medical conditions, but please inform your practitioner if you suffer from any of the following:

  • If you have ever fainted, had a fit, or experienced a ‘funny turn’.
  • If you have a pacemaker or any other electrical implants.
  • If you have a bleeding disorder (haemophilia).
  • If you are taking any anti-coagulants or any other medication i.e. warfarin.
  • If you have any areas of skin where you experience altered sensation such as numbness or tingling.
  • If you have any damaged heart valves or are at particular risk of infection.
  • If you are currently pregnant.

In safe hands from day one…

“I highly recommend Luke. I personally have a complicated history of injuries and don’t always feel confident in putting my trust in a therapist, but I can honestly say my massage was fantastic, totally tailored to my needs. I will definitely be going back very soon for another session.”

Nicki Crockett • Enfield



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