Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy

Treatments & Rehab Tailored To Your Needs

Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy

Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy is a specialised type of treatment offering significant health benefits to individuals across all walks of life, regardless of their involvement in sport. Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy aims to produce effects in four dimensions of bodily systems: physical, physiological, neurological, and psychological. While these effects are closely interrelated, it is the initial physical effects brought about by manual ‘hands-on’ therapy that triggers the physiological, neurological, and psychological responses in the body. 

Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy serves as a highly effective solution for alleviating aches, pains and discomfort resulting from intense training regimes through to everyday activities. Pain and discomfort can arise not only from physical exercise and activity but also from sedentary lifestyles and improper posture. Emotional and psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression can trigger the body’s defensive mechanisms, causing soft tissues to engage in protective responses. Consequently, muscles and joints often tighten, seize, and stiffen, resulting in pain and discomfort, reduced mobility, limited range of motion, and dysfunction.

Benefits of Sports
& Remedial Massage

Here are just some of the key benefits that Sports & Remedial Massage provides:

  • Alleviates Aches, Pains and Discomfort
  • Reduces Muscle Tension and Spasms
  • Eases DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
  • Increases Mobility and Flexibility
  • Improves Joint Range of Motion (ROM)
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety
  • Aids with Injury Prevention
  • Speeds up Injury and Post Exercise Recovery
  • Enhances Athletic Performance
  • Improves overall Soft Tissue and Joint Health
  • Facilitates with Toxin and Waste Product Removal
  • Increases Lymphatic Drainage and Blood Flow
  • Promotes a Better Quality of Sleep and Relaxation
  • Improves Energy Levels

How this service can help

Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy is effective for addressing pain and injury, inducing muscular relaxation, and promoting positive outcomes such as decreased levels of stress and anxiety, regardless of whether the issues are acute or chronic. It offers effective relief for a variety of musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints and can serve as a standalone treatment, preventative measure, or as part of a regular maintenance and recovery programme. Therapy aims to increase flexibility, mobility, and joint range of motion, thereby optimising athletic performance, reducing injury risks, and promoting faster recovery by manipulating soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and connective tissue.

Sports & Remedial Massage contribute to the reduction of muscle tension and spasms, simultaneously enhancing flexibility and mobility. By stimulating peripheral nerve receptors located in the skin and underlying fascia, which detect environmental changes, muscular relaxation is induced. These receptors are responsive to variations in touch, temperature, and pressure. Many restrictions originate from muscles and their surrounding connective tissue. Through massage techniques and stretching, the skin and underlying tissues can be loosened and relaxed. Increased blood circulation during massage treatments promotes greater tissue pliability. Consequently, this aids in restoring flexibility, which may induce alterations in connective tissue, along with an elongation of muscle fibres which can help enhance performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Swelling and bruising can result from blood leaking from torn blood vessels or fluids passing through capillary walls into interstitial spaces. Massaging the affected area enhances movement within the soft tissues, thereby increasing lymph flow and facilitating the reabsorption of fluids into the circulatory system.

Sports & Remedial Massage promotes increase blood circulation, which enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and soft tissues while aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products like lactic acid. This improved circulation contributes to faster tissue recovery and reduces post-exercise and activity soreness. As the depth and pressure of the massage increases, there is a corresponding likelihood that the deep blood vessels are compressed and released, which in turn stimulates circulation. Massage has been demonstrated to increase lymph flow from the area being massaged through the lymph glands towards the heart. As lymph flow increases, waste products from areas of soft tissue may be reabsorbed more quickly via the lymphatic system into the circulatory system.

Sports & Remedial Massage can have significant neurological effects, influencing both the peripheral and central nervous systems. At the peripheral level, massage stimulates nerve receptors in the skin and tissues, triggering sensory input to the brain. This stimulation can lead to a reduction in pain perception by inhibiting pain signals and promoting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

Furthermore, Sports & Remedial Massage can modulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. By inducing a relaxation response, massage promotes parasympathetic activity, counteracting the stress response associated with sympathetic dominance. This can lead to decreased levels of stress hormones like cortisol and an overall sense of relaxation and well-being.

On a central level, Sports & Remedial Massage can influence the brain’s processing of sensory information and motor control. It can enhance proprioception, the body’s awareness of its position in space, which is crucial for movement coordination and injury prevention.

The neurological and psychological effects of Sports & Remedial Massage significantly overlap, enhancing overall well-being and performance. Fundamentally, massage should be a pleasurable experience. The pleasant sensations elicited by muscle and soft tissue manipulation provides neurological feedback that induces feelings of calmness, contentment, and relaxation. Additionally, massage can stimulate the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, thereby enhancing mood and alleviating symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Consequently, these effects contribute to the release of tension in muscles and soft tissues, facilitating physical relaxation. This relaxation response can enhance sleep quality, aiding in the physical and mental recovery of athletes and individuals. Furthermore, Sports & Remedial Massage offers individuals a dedicated time and space for self-care and reflection. Prioritising physical and mental well-being during treatment session fosters a positive mindset and a heightened sense of self-worth.

In safe hands from day one…

“I highly recommend Luke. I personally have a complicated history of injuries and don’t always feel confident in putting my trust in a therapist, but I can honestly say my massage was fantastic, totally tailored to my needs. I will definitely be going back very soon for another session.”

Nicki Crockett • Enfield



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